As an international organization that advocates for creative small business owners of all kinds, our most frequently asked question is, “are there any alternatives to Etsy?” People want to know, are there sites similar to Etsy where it’s possible to join and sell craft wares and handmade or vintage products?
Since our formation in 2022, we’ve been directing people to a community-created resource – our Etsy Alternatives Spreadsheet:

It contained 43 sites – some a lot like Etsy, and some a bit like Etsy that people could try. It was a spreadsheet though, and spreadsheets can be hard to navigate when they get too large. There were also quite a few things that didn’t belong, since adding things was basically a free-for-all! For a while, we’ve been wanting to convert it into a database-style web application so that it would be more user friendly, so that new submissions could be moderator-approved, and so that people could sort and filter based on the needs of their business.
We’re happy to announce that we’re finally taking it on as a community project!
It’s still in the early stages, so we’re not ready to share the link with the public yet. But here is a preview:

We are looking for collaborators! Specifically we need:
- People to help with research
- People to help with data entry
- People to leave reviews for alternatives they’re using
If you’re interested in contributing to the Etsy Alternatives Database, you can do so on our new community website!
After you join (and introduce yourself), find the group called “Creative Nerds” and join. That is the group for geeky ISG creators, ISG technology volunteers, and nerds of all kinds, and where we will be collaborating on the database!