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Update on our Letter Writing Campaign

Howdy, Etsy sellers and supporters! Mattie and Valerie here with a quick update on the letter-writing campaign to communicate to Etsy the grievances we raised in our petition.

On April 11, the first day of the strike, we sent an email to Etsy’s CEO, executive staff and members of the Board of Directors, inviting them to speak with us “in good faith about helping Etsy fulfill its promise to sellers and buyers.” We asked Etsy management to contact us directly by email, not indirectly through vague and out-of-touch statements to the media.

However, so far we haven’t gotten any response from Etsy. And that’s okay! Emails can be pretty boring anyway, so we’ve decided to try again with something a little more exciting this time!

Starting Monday, April 18, Etsy sellers and supporters have been doing what we do best: crafting, creating and curating the most unique and eye-catching decorative envelopes we can, and sending our demands again, this time on paper direct to Etsy HQ!

Here’s how to send yours!

Check out some of our favorites so far!

As of today, more than 83,000 people signed our petition to Etsy, including nearly 30,000 Etsy sellers (more than we ever thought possible!). Those numbers continue to grow as more Etsy buyers and sellers get fed up with the direction the platform has been heading, and those growing numbers are the basis of our movement.

Let’s make this movement impossible for Etsy management to continue ignoring! Be sure to post your letters on social media with the hashtag #LetterToEtsy, and then come join our Discord server to get involved in the next steps of our growing movement!

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