When you shop online, the middleman that is a retailer becomes significantly less necessary, and their presence less obvious to customers. Brands can make their own websites to take the place of a third party shop and ship their products directly to consumers… but it can unfortunately benefit them if hundreds of wanna-be entrepreneurs volunteer to advertise their product as if it were their own.
Comments closedTag: indie sellers guild
Many times, supporters have asked us “Do you have anyone who sells (insert product name here)?” We would tell them to search our member directory…
Comments closedThe more we dig into the problems creative indie sellers face earning an income online, the more we have realized that these problems go deeper…
Comments closedThis is the third post in our series about the Marketplace Accreditation Program. Click here to start at the beginning. My business name is auralynne,…
Comments closedIn the early open-ended version of our Marketplace Research Survey, we asked the following question: Anyone that knows me could probably guess my answer! I…
Comments closedSeller dissatisfaction with Etsy management erupted once again on August 25 as thousands of users took to social media to demand transparency and fairness on…
Comments closedIntroduction In the US and most other countries, when a consumer buys something new, they have the legal right to know where that product was…
Comments closedFor the past couple of months, ISG president Kristi has been digging very deep into the reasons our guild isn’t building an alternative marketplace to…
Comments closedThe holiday season is upon us! We know the next month is the busiest time of year for many sellers, and we want to support…
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